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A New Season

Hello everyone and happy Sunday!

I’d like to tell you a little bit more about me and how I came to write.

I have not always been a writer. I experimented with it in high school, so to speak, through elective English courses and even wrote a story; but I never stuck with it – again thinking I had nothing to say and walking in that fear for quite a while. I’m not sure I knew that’s what was going on in my head until more recently.

Most of my professional career has been in nursing; neonatal intensive care nursing and public health nursing. I can’t thank God enough for these opportunities. I have learned so much about myself and what He has for me to do through these professions.

My goal now is to keep writing, both blogging and writing future books. My book The Road Less Traveled: A Story Of Love, Hope, Pain and Everything In Between is my first book and is now available for purchase. I have posted about it in one other blog earlier this week.

I am looking forward to all God has for me to do in this new season of my life! I appreciate any comments or thoughts you have about my writings. I want to make it better and better all the time.

I appreciate the encouragement from friends and family!

I am so excited to get to share God's heart and my heart through my writings with all of you! God is so good and He has great plans in store for me and for you too! Don’t ever forget that!

Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord; plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and hope.”

Until next time,


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