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This is Why Telling My Story Matters

Hello everyone. I had not planned to blog again today but an email this morning changed that.

I received an email early this morning from someone needing help in an abusive relationship. They reached out to me through this blog. Blogging about my book and my experience with abuse is so worth it and helped me to realize how much our words can help or hurt. If I can help one person with my writing, I've done my job! If I can show one person there is life after hurt and pain, I've done my job! If can show one person that God loves them so much and they are made for more than abuse, I've done my job!

I want to leave you with the back cover synopsis from my book that really shows you my heart for anyone that has gone through a dark time in their lives.

Back Cover Summary, The Road Less Traveled: A Story of Love, Hope, Pain and Everything In Between by Elizabeth Billingsley:

Life doesn’t always work out the way we planned. Things happen that we have no control over and circumstances seem overwhelming. I never thought I’d marry an abusive man, a man whose mental demons turned him into two different people. I never imagined being a widow at the age of thirty-eight. I never dreamed that one decision could so profoundly change my life and my viewpoint of mental illness. I didn’t know how much I still had to learn about myself.

Through these circumstances I now know more about who God is. I also know who He is not. I know more about who I am now - and I know who I will not be anymore. I have always believed in my head God could work everything out for good and that He loved me - now I know in my heart. Head knowledge and heart knowledge is completely different.

I invite you to read these pages with an open mind and heart. Allow our story to shed light in dark places. Freedom is within these pages, the freedom to be yourself, to be loved for who you are and to bring your hurts into the light of God’s love where He heals all things. Remember, love is the greatest of all things and it does conquer all. Love has already won.

**The book is available on Amazon, B&N, iTunes and and or the Kobo app.

Until next time and with much love,


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