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The Goodness of God

Hello everyone!

Have you ever thought about how good God really is? Have you ever wondered what it would be like without a good God? Have you ever pondered how good He is to you? Do you believe God is good? I know sometimes that is hard when we see such horrible things in our world.

I have been thinking about the goodness of God lately. He is good in the little things and the big things of life. He is good through the good, the bad, and the ugly of life.

As I have thought about His goodness, I made a mental list of all the ways He is good to me. Now I want to write that list down and share it with my readers. I hope this will encourage you today. I hope you will get a glimpse of His goodness in the life He has for you as well.

God is good because:

1) I have wonderful friends and family to share my life with everyday.

2) He has given me a good job.

3) He has given me a wonderful church family.

4) He gives me the creativity to write down my thoughts and creativity in other areas as well such as painting other art I like to do.

5) I have all I need.

6) I have wonderful, God-fearing parents.

7) He protects me.

8) I woke up today.

9) I can see, hear, smell, taste and touch our world.

10) Jesus died for all of us.

I could go on and on. I challenge you to ponder the goodness of God this week; it will open your eyes to all He has done and all He will do if you let Him.

Until next time,


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