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Be Okay with You

Hello everyone!

One of the most valuable things I have learned over the last two years is to be okay with me. I have learned to accept myself, my personality and my hangups. God accepts me just as I am, hangups and all. He loves me just as I am, hangups and all. He accepts you just as you are and He loves you just as you are.

If He can love me and accept me just as I am, then I can love me and accept me just as I am.

I would encourage you to surround yourself with people who are okay with who you are, who don't try to manipulate or change you - people who encourage you when they need to and love you when you aren't being lovable.

If you aren't okay with you and if you don't like who you are, ask yourself why. If you are allowing people in your life who drag you down or who simply don't like you for who you are, ask yourself why.

What are you believing that keeps you in this place or with those kind of people? What do you not believe?

I firmly believe it is simply what we believe about ourselves that gets us into most of our messes - that and other people's and our bad choices.

Examine what you believe about yourself and others. This will be a lifetime examination, trust me.

It is okay to be okay with who you are! It is okay to surround yourself with people who believe in who you are! If you can be okay with you, you will save yourself a lot of heartache.

Believing in who I am,


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