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Book News and Other News

Hello everyone!

I have some great news about my book! I will, hopefully, be doing a book signing in April in the OKC area! I will put more information in my blogs and on my book page, The Road Less Traveled by Elizabeth Billingsley, as I have it.

Also, I am starting a new journey in the fight to combat human trafficking in this nation and around the world.

I have signed up to volunteer with the Beautiful Dream Society here in OKC. You can check them out at their web address at God has really been laying these things on my heart and not just to help this organization but to use the home I will buy to help women escape abusive situations. I want to help them have a safe place temporarily until they can get back on their feet.

God is so good! I am looking forward to all He has for me and being a part of the healing He has for these women and others through my book, volunteering and offering myself and my home to show them the love of Jesus! Many new things for 2017 and I'm just getting started!

Until next time


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