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Thankful for My Book's Impact

Hello everyone!

Today I want to say I am so thankful for my book's impact on others! I have heard from several people over the last few months about how much it has helped them understand a loved one or see the need for change. God gave me these words for this book and I am so glad those words and my story are making a difference in people's lives!

This is what life is all about - making a difference and speaking truth into people's lives with lots of love attached!

I will be at the Love for Imaginary Books Signing Event on April 15th, 2017 at the Cleveland County Fairground in Norman, OK if you'd like to come out and see me and pick up a book. I will be selling them for $12.00 and can accept all payment forms. This will be a wonderful event graciously put on by Elegant Ink Entertainment with many authors, musicians and other vendors! We'd love to see you!

If you can't make to the book signing event, you can find my book online in paperback and digital format on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, in audio on, on and the Kobo app, and in Canada at !, McNally-Robinson Books and Russell Books.

As always you can follow blog news and book news at my author website:

Thank you to all my blog readers for your support and to all those who have purchased my book and who will purchase my book. I did this for you and I could not do it without you!

With much thankfulness,


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