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Questioning Many Things

I have been questioning many things lately. I want to make the best decisions for me and be exactly where God wants me to be. House hunting is not proving to be successful at this time, I just can't find what I want. I feel the Lord is saying "wait" as well. I believe later this summer, I will be making some other living arrangements in the interim. This may sound strange three years after the fact. I have questioned whether my late husband really loved me or was he simply looking for someone to take care of him. Was he just simply preying, at least in some form or fashion? I know the truth of this and frankly it just hurts at times. I know I don't ever want to be in that situation again. The best thing about this is I loved him and did what I should have done toward him. He is with Jesus and no longer in this mindset. I do know the Lord wants me involved in anti-human trafficking work and at some point he will open the door for Africa. What he has put on my heart, He will provide for always. I start training for anti-human trafficking work with an organization here in OKC in June.  I am in a new relationship right now with a great guy and learning to navigate that as well. I am also praying about my book. I have another book signing June 3rd here in OKC. God gave me those words to put in that book and He will complete what He has started. I am navigating many new things and honestly feel a bit overwhelmed at times but I know the Lord is with me and He is helping me and guiding me. I'm going with the flow, that is the best way to do this. Is some of it scary? Yes. Have I had doubts? Yes. Do I believe God will show me exactly what to do? Yes. With all that said, I am looking forward to these new things and I know I will navigate them exactly as God wants me to. I need to take one day and one step at a time. I would ask for your prayers for wisdom and peace as I take these new things in life one day at a time. Thank you, Elizabeth

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