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The Miracle of Life

Hello everyone and happy Friday!

I wanted to take a break from my more serious blogs today. I want today to focus on the miracle of life!

I have friends who recently had a little boy. I am so happy for them! He is the sweetest, most wonderful little person. I have always been in awe that two cells from two different people can come together to become a perfect little person with a personality of their own, even at 2 and 3 days old. New life is certainly one of the mysteries and wonders of God - something we may never fully understand until we reach Heaven. I am even in awe when animals have little ones - litte ones who are much more able to do things than even human babies. You even see the hand of God in baby animals.

I hope to one day have one of my own little miracles. I would also like to adopt a child as I know not all children are wanted when they are born. Some are so unwanted they are never even born. Now don't get me wrong, I know women terminate pregnancies for various reason, not just because they don't want the child, those are very personal reasons and sometimes very sad reasons. I do not judge them - I have no idea what it is like to be in their shoes. I also know God is a forgiving God and those babies go back to be with Him. We as the church should help women who have had to choose abortion for some reason. We should try and understand even if we don't agree - we might learn something.

I will close by saying I celebrate with my friends, our friends and their family this new little life from God! He is indeed an answer to prayer and very much loved! May you always see the hand of God in little children - for they are dearly valued in Heaven and loved by the Father! May we love them as He does!

Until next time,


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