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Writer's pictureElizabeth R Billingsley

I Implore You to Get Help and Council if You Have Been Abused!

Hello everyone! 

With the beginning of a new year, I wanted to take this blog today to encourage you to do something very important for your mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health. 

*If you have been in an abusive relationship of any kind this year or if you are in one now, I want to implore you to please seek help and council for yourself!* You can't do this alone! You can't heal by yourself! No amount of positive self talk or positive thinking can heal the wounds of abuse. These wounds run deep into the soul - sometimes even dividing a person in two (**i.e. a split soul) - many abusers themselves have this problem and therefore abuse. You do not have to be a divided person or the victim of your wounds. 

The wounds of abuse can damage you physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Do not underestimate these wounds! These wounds can even drive you to do things and into lifestyles you did not think possible. These wounds can also damage those around you - your spouse, partner, children, extended family, and friends. Do not take these wounds lightly or pretend you are "just fine." When you stuff emotions, feelings or thoughts or pack them away so you don't have to feel them, you hurt yourself! Trust me, I have done this, only for it to rupture to the surface when I least expected it. Your heart was not meant to handle or contain such pain! 

I implore you to find a trusted councilor or pastor. I implore you to cry out to God! He sees you! He knows everything about you. He knows your deepest kept secrets and your deepest wounds and He is not afraid or ashamed of you. He can handle them. He wants to handle them and He wants to heal you! He will not condemn you or judge you! He will put the broken pieces of your heart nack together again! He wants to shine His light into those hurting places so once and for all they will be whole so you can be whole and free of the pain of abuse! 

I will say it again! Please get help and council this year! Please cry out to God! He sees you and He cares for you more than you know. You are never alone! You have never been alone, despite what your abuser has said or is saying to you now. Remember, they are wounded liars themselves and a liar can't tell the truth. You are not alone! Your cry in the dark has been heard! 

Psalm 120:1 ESV;  In my distress I called to the LORD, and He answered me!

Isaiah 61:1 AMP; (Jesus' mission to people)

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed and commissioned me To bring good news to the humble and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up [the wounds of] the brokenhearted, To proclaim release [from confinement and condemnation] to the [physical and spiritual] captives And freedom to prisoners... 

May hope and healing be yours in this new year! 

Writing for healing,


*If you are reading this and you are in an abusive situation, please leave safely with the help of a trusted friend or other trusted  family member. Your life may depend on it!! You do not have to live another day with that evil.  

**You can read about the concept of the split soul in depth in The Boundaries book series by Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Henry Cloud. 

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