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Writer's pictureElizabeth R Billingsley

His Grace

Hello everyone! 

Over the weekend,  I was struck with how great and how overwhelming the grace of God can be. When I say overwhelming I do not mean in a bad way, I mean in a good way! Overwhelmingly full of joy! When I say great, I mean greater than anything any other person could ever give you! His Grace is not attached to anything or any condition. He offers it freely! 

His Grace got me through my abusive marriage and my late husband's death. His Grace kept me safe during my late husband's final days. His Grace helped me grieve and find new purpose in writing and the message He has for me to tell people. His Grace gives me my voice! His Grace has helped me show grace, even when it was not deserved.  His Grace has given me the courage to walk away from others who are not good for me. His Grace has given me the strength to see things in myself I need Him to heal. His Grace has given me the ears to hear from people who love me. His Grace has given me ears to hear those who no one else will listen to or try to understand. His Grace has given me the power to forgive! His Grace has given me new perspective in my life. His Grace has been and will be sufficient for me! I don't have to work for it or work for Him to be pleasing to Him. His Grace is more than enough!

His Grace can be more than enough for you too! His Grace can give you all the power you need! His Grace can be sufficient for you! His Grace can save you, heal you, and give you new life! His Grace can rescue you from your enemies! His Grace can show you who you really are! His Grace has been and always will be everything you are looking for! He offers His Grace freely to you! Will you not take it? Come as you are - rich, poor, happy, sad, sober, not sober, educated, not educated, American, not American, gay, straight, boy or girl, criminal or not a criminal! Come as you are! His gift of Grace will always be free! He is not ashamed of you. He loves you now, He always has! Find your purpose in His Grace! I can promise you, you will not be disappointed! 

2 Corinthian 12:9 NIV; “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Ephesian 2:8-9 AMP; For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; 9 not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation].

Ask Him for His Grace today, He is waiting! 

Walking in free Grace, 


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