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We Live in Troubled Times But...

Hello everyone!

We live in a troubled world these days. Nation rises against nation. People against people. I'm sure if you've seen the news or social media, regardless of what slant you prefer, you know what I'm talking about. North and South Korea, China, Russia, Syria, the US, Europe, the EU, North and South Sudan, Uganda, globalists(Communist), The Left, The Right, The Alt Right, Democrats, Republicans; the list could go on as to what we hear and see on a daily basis, 24/7. The world and its politics seem to be in chaos, or are they?

I have some good news! The good news is God knows what is going on and He's not absent from nor blind to the seeming chaos. And guess what? It's not as chaotic as you might think. He sees all things, regardless of who is involved or why. He also knows all truth, even the truth some do not want us to know. He's bigger than politics and He's bigger than religion, in fact He's outside of them. They do not shape His character, how He feels or thinks or Who He is.

Every nation I mentioned he has given free will to do what they want for good or evil. Evil breaks His heart. Complacent Chistians in the face of evil equally break His heart. We are a light in these troubled times! Why would we hide that? The Church resides in every single country I have mentioned, even if it's underground. And believe me, God and the church are at work in these troubled times and in darkness, whether you wish to participate or not is up to you. Darkness can never overcome or overpower the Light! I know the end of the story! If you are reading this and don't know what I'm talking about, read the book of Revelations for yourself, especially the last chapter.

I would advise my readers to not believe everything they hear in the media. Not all voices are our friends. Not all voices wish to bring clarity or truth. Not all voices wish to bring peace. I would ask you to seek God in these troubled times and find out how you can play a role in loving His world (Yes it is His world, it does not belong to the politicians, the political parties or to the media). Love is the greatest of all things and conquers all! There is nothing stronger than love! There is no political ideology, no man or woman and no country that is stronger than love! God is love and there is no one or nothing stronger than Him!

I will leave you some verses to ponder today in these troubled time. Take courage!!

Psalm 24:1; The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.

Matthew 24:6 (the words of Jesus); "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."

John 16:33 (the words of Jesus); "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

He has overcome the world!!

Until next time,


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