Hello everyone!
Spring has finally come! I love this time of year! New life and new beginnings!
The weather is warm. The grass and trees are green again. The flowers are blooming. The birds are singing and baby animals can be seen everywhere. There is joy in nature again.
Winter's hold does not last forever. The "death" of life cannot last forever. If this were so, there would have been no resurrection. There would have been no Light in the dark. There would be no hope. But God!
God created Spring to showcase His ability to bring life from death and to make all things new! He brought Joy into a bleak Winter world through the Light of the Son, just as Spring's sun warms the earth and returns life to all things.
There are some who would say "winter is coming." To them I say, let Winter come. Winter is short lived. It has an appointed time and then comes the Spring! And winter can't stop the Spring from coming! Winter has no power over Spring. The darkness can not stop the Light from coming! The darkness has not power over Light.
Spring has come! Winter has gone! New life has begun! Be at peace and rest in the Light of the Son Who lives. He brought us our first Spring over 2000 years ago and His Light continues to shine in our world today. There is no place too cold or too dark that He can't reach. There is no place out of the reach of His Spring!
Until next time,