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Writer's pictureElizabeth R Billingsley

The Connection Between Domestic Violence, Porn and Human Trafficking

Hello everyone! I'm going to take on another heavy subject today because people's lives are at stake. I am going to go ahead and say this may not set well with some people. That is okay. I'm not concerned with what people think or if truth is inconvenient. Men, woman and children are dying out there, so here goes.

How could human trafficking, domestic violence and porn be connected you ask? They are connected because their main purpose and modus operandi is to exploit and abuse men, women and children. Human trafficking, domestic violence and porn all exploit and abuse people, they just do it in different ways and with different disguises.

Let's start with porn.

Yes I do realize adults choose to make porn and consume it. Children do not have a choice if they are used in porn - the very definion of exploitation.

I realize adults can leave the porn industry when they choose to. However, did you know there is much coersion going on in porn? They can't force adults to stay on a porn set if they don't want to do something but they make it hard to say no. The actors may not get paid, even if they show; or they may not get paid at all, even if they have done work for the producer up to that point. Alcohol and drugs are also a constant in this world, especially for the actors. Now let me ask you, how can anyone think straight if they are using alcohol and drugs? If a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on a porn set, are they really giving their consent? As far as I'm concerned this is exploitation through coersion, not to mention a lot of porn these days is violent in nature so they are not only being coersed while using alcohol and drugs, they are being abused while on the alcohol and drugs too. Did I mention pornographic violence can desensitize men and woman to violence and program them to see each other as objects, not people? Porn is presented as consent but I believe it is far from it. If you are coersing someone and giving them alcohol and drugs or allowing them to use them, you are hurting that person, not helping them. Period.

I don't think I have to explain what sexual, physical, mental and emotional abuse are at this point. We are all familiar with domestic violence in some way. All of these forms of abuse exploit and mentally, emotionally and physically harm a person. Abuse is about control, fear and identity theft. You see alot of fear, control and identity theft both in porn (e.g. porn stars change their names), and human trafficking (e.g. many trafficked women take on different names given by their pimp). Porn pimps men and women out too, they just do it legally. Both trafficked women and men and porn stars are also controlled and manipulated with money and favors. In both cases yougave fear of getting out but for different reasons. The trafficked man or woman is afraid of getting killed. The porn star knows it will be hard for them if they leave because of their reputation and economic fears. Are you beginning to see some connections between the three?

Now for human trafficking. We all know these victims are abused, horribly, like hardcore porn can depict. They can also be asked to perform sex acts you see in porn, only they aren't paid and they might die or be beaten if they say no. Fear, control and indentity theft is a reality for the trafficked man or woman, even fear for their life. Doesn't that sound a bit like like domestic violence? I know it does! Did you know that most trafficked men and women experienced domestic violence or some kind of abuse in their childhood? Do you see the connection? I do!

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. The dots are connected. These three things may look different but at their core they are the same! Porn, domestic violence and human trafficking are exploitation and abuse, period. They objectify who they use. No front or disguise they use can cover that up. No idea of consent can cover that up. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. You can dress evil up to look like good but it's still evil. Think about it!

Forging into dangerous territory,


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