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Jesus Eliminates Your “Almost”

Writer's picture: Elizabeth R BillingsleyElizabeth R Billingsley

Updated: Jan 19

Hello everyone!

I know it has been a minute since my last blog. My day job keeps me busy during the day and the evening these days during this COVID-19 pandemic. This year will certainly be one for the public health books as well as world history!

I have been marinating on this blog for this week. I have been thinking of all the “almosts” in my own life. I “almost” became a physical therapist. I “almost” had a good marriage. I “almost” made a bad decision, or a good decision for that matter. I “almost” was a success at staying healthy. Some of you could also say, I “almost” had a good life. Your lists, and mine, could go on and on.

However, I am here to tell you that there is a cure for the “almosts” in life. There is cure for the tapes that play “not-good-enough” in our heads. His name is Jesus Christ. No, I am not selling your religion or self-help. I am talking to you as a person about a person like no other. A person who already knows you. A person who already knows the bad decisions that you have made and the good decisions you have made. He also knows that some of you were handed situations that are out of your control. He also knows that other people’s bad decisions may have influenced you as well or shaped your life in a way you did not hope for at all. He knows some of you were hurt on purpose and some of you have hurt on purpose. He already knows ladies and gentlemen and He is not ashamed of you in any way. He died and rose again to make you good enough. He died and rose again to turn your “almosts” around. He died and rose again so what was meant for evil in your life could be turned to good. He died and rose again to heal you. This is not supposed to make natural sense, for this is a matter of faith.

I have spoken plainly and honestly today. He is real and He can be known. He already knows you better than you know yourself. He certainly knew me better than I ever knew myself. I had those same “not-good-enough” tapes playing in my head too. They played there for 24 years. My “almosts” stopped me from knowing how much He fully loved me for those same 24 years. My “almosts” and “not-good-enough” tapes kept me running in circles and back to the same people for a long time. I honestly did not think I deserved better or could do better. These tapes also attracted the wrong people. Yes, the tapes in your head emit a signal to others – “this is who I think I am, and this is what I think I believe.” Twenty-four years is too long to live in bondage! I do not want you living in that kind of bondage and allowing it to shape your life for 24 years like it did mine! If you are there now or you have been there, there is hope! You already know His name!

Some of you have been running a long time! Aren’t you tired of running? Are you ready to stop running and look at Jesus? Not the people around you, not the people who have hurt you who have claimed to be Christians, just Jesus.

Are you tired of being sick and tired? I was! I was tired of hurting. I was tired of running back to the same people. I was tired of not being healthy. I was tired of believing I could not really be loved. I was tired of the merry-go-round! I was tired of listening to those tapes! Just as much as Jesus is your answer, you also have to decide to change the tapes in your head, the people you are around, and the thoughts you are thinking. If you do not change your thought process and your friends, nothing will change. Jesus chose his friends carefully. Jesus chose his words and his thoughts carefully. Jesus did not let people walk around hurting, unless that is what they wanted. Are you tired of walking around with your hurt? I was! Hurt was too comfortable and it was killing me! Have you become to comfortable with your hurt?

I know I am asking a lot of questions today. I know I may be stepping on toes. I know I may be making some of you uncomfortable. Better to make you uncomfortable then let your “almosts” and your “not-good-enough” tapes destroy you and your purpose on this planet! I love you too much to do that! Please hear my heart! Please hear the heart of Jesus and God the Father for you:

Jeremiah 1:5a; "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…

Isaiah 53:5; But He (Jesus) was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; the punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, and by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.

John 10:9-10; I (Jesus) am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved [and will live forever], and will go in and out [freely], and find pasture (spiritual security). The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].

1 John 3:1; Behold what manner of love the Father has given us (through Jesus), that we should be called children of God!

Romans 8:38-39; For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation (your almosts” and “not-good-enough” tapes), will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Jesus is the end of your “almosts” and beginning of your wholeness. He is the end of your pain and the beginning of your healing. He is the end to your death and the beginning of your life!

With much love,


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